

Flutter (3 Months)
Medium level developer working with Dart 3, knowledge of state management, widgets, and plugins, developing Android apps.
Java (5 Years)
Mainly working with core Java 8 along with internally developed frameworks, some exposure to Java 17 and Springboot 3.
.Net (18 Years)
.Net Framework, mainly C# but some VB.Net. Using ASP.Net, MVC, Entity Framework, Nuget, etc
SQL Server (20+ Years)
SQL queries, database design (tables, indexes and stored procedures) and maintenance plans
Basic-to-medium DOM based javascript
Frameworks and Libraries
JS Frameworks (6 Years)
Experience with React and Jquery, including jQuery-UI and jQuery validation
CSS Frameworks (4 Years)
Experience mainly with Bootstrap 3 and 4, Bulma, and some custom CSS
Android SDK (6 Months)
Maintenance and bug fixes of an existing app
Jira SDK (6 Months)
Jira onprem plugin development and maintenance


Git (3 Years)
Basic-to-medium experience (branching, merge, pull requests). Commandline as well as UI usage
Cloud (2.5 Years)
Using AWS and Azure, including Hosted Webapps, Virtual Machines, SQL Server, Webjobs, message queues and Azure Devops
APIs (10 Years)
Working with SOAP and REST APIs, both consuming and developing
Linux (1 Year)
Ubuntu and CentOS, used for every day development and server maintenance.


Intellij, Visual Studio, Android Studio, VS Code
Teamcity (3 Years)
Setup and maintenance of build jobs some config using ANT scripts
Jira (3 Years)
Issue tracking and plugin development
Docker (3 Months)
Basic setup and dockerfile creation
Subversion (3 Years)
BigQuery (6 Months)